caballeros de colón
Cada mañana que nos levantamos, trabajamos para responder a las oraciones de alguien.
Somos los Caballeros de Colón de la Parroquia de San Pedro
The Glennon Family
Knight and Family of the Month
The Knights of Columbus St. Peter Council #13139 are proud to name Brother Patrick Glennon as Knight of The Month. Patrick is one of our newest members, he joined us about 4 months ago. He has been a Jupiter resident for eight years and attends service at St. Peter regularly with his wife Becky and his three children Micheal, Kaitlyn and Colin.
Patrick was raised in St. Louis, Missouri where he has spent most of his adult life before moving to Jupiter. He received a Bachelor of Science in Forest Management from the University of Arkansas. With this degree he has been employed as a Contract Arborist with Davey Resource Group for 14 years.
Patrick is one of those little-known but vitally important heroes that we rely on when hurricanes strike in Florida. As a 14 year Contract Arborist, when storms approach and the State of Florida declares a pending emergency, Patrick is placed in “Storm Mode” and he travels to wherever his services are needed. He is on call from 6am to 10pm during emergencies and his primary job is to coordinate The Davey Tree clearing crews in advance and after the storms hit. FPL subs out this work to experienced companies like Davey to mitigate the amount of downed power lines. He was stationed in Bradenton during Hurricane Milton where he was working 16 hour days to clear potentially hazardous conditions. He also recently was in Tampa doing likewise for Hurricane Helene clean up.
Patrick is a beloved member of the council, and his main passion is helping out at our Monthly pancake breakfasts. We are so grateful to have him as a member of our Council and as a valued member of our community.
The Knights of Columbus Council 13139 is proud to name The Glennon family as Family of The Month. Originally from St. Lotus, the family moved to Jupiter eight years ago and have been members of St. Peter ever since.
Patrick met his wife, Becky in St. Louis and they have been married for 25 years. When the opportunity for Patrick to transfer with the same company to Florida, Becky was thrilled to move to a warmer climate. They now live in Jupiter Farms, and Becky works as a Social Worker at Jupiter Medical Center. The Glennon’s have three children; Michael the oldest is 31 and lives in Springfield, Illinois where he works for a local transportation company. Kaitlyn is 24 and is living in Orlando where she graduated with a Sociology Degree from The University of Central Florida. She is currently working as teacher. The youngest, Colin, is 21 and graduated from Jupiter High School and is currently furthering his studies at Palm Beach State Community College. Colin is part of the elite group of Eagle Scouts from the Boy Scouts of America.
We are privileged and blessed to have this beautiful family as part of our community at St. Peter and please be sure to say hello to Patrick and Becky when you see them in and around Sunday service!
Soufflé Sunday Parish Breakfast
January 5th after 8 and 9:30 Masses
Cooks, servers, cleaners, help needed.
Sign up here
Parish Ministry Appreciation Night
Saturday January 25 5:30pm
See details and sign up here
Fellowship Hot Breakfast
The Pancake Breakfast gang is back in action.
"Soufflé Sunday Parish Breakfast"!
Our Lady of Guadalupe Rosary
Thank you to brothers Richard Holmstrom and Javier Casanova for leading the Rosary on the eve of Her festival
Jupiter Tequesta Christmas Parade
Promoting "Keeping Christ in Christmas", we proudly led the parade with record participants and attendance through the streets of Abacoa.