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March - Thoughts of Spring

March brings thoughts of spring. For some, it’s time to begin Daylight Savings Time; a little more sunlight into the evenings as the days become longer. For those in the north, it means looking forward to the thaw after winter. For some it is welcome relief after months of frigid temperatures, howling winds and heavy snow. Some in the south, who enjoy the milder winters, now realize again that after spring, a hot summer ensues.

Spring also brings thoughts of spring cleaning. After being cooped up all winter, it’s traditional in many households to do that deep cleaning all throughout the house. That means washing down walls and moving furniture to clean behind pieces that haven’t seen the light of day since last year’s cleaning. It means taking down and washing drapes and curtains; windows are washed inside and out. (Thank goodness for modern tilt windows that mean no time outside in the chillier weather.) This is a time when the whole family is expected to pitch in and my “Honey Do” list gets longer and longer. (Personally, I’m the window washing guy.) In days gone by when most everyone had a coal fired furnace, a winter of closed windows meant the walls needed a good washing. With gas, electric and hot water boilers there’s less of a need to wash walls, but for some, it’s still a tradition. Spring is a time of renewal and revival.

While you’re getting rid of all the old cobwebs of winter and freshening the house, now is a great time to do some sprucing up with a fresh look at your family’s financial security.

As your Knights of Columbus Field Agent I’ve been trained to help you through that important exercise. Sit down with me for a free financial needs analysis using our Profiles+ Forecaster platform. I’ll take the time to gather information from you, ask about your wants, needs and desires, and put together any recommendations to help you meet those needs.

With a wide range of products; life insurance, long-term care insurance, disability income insurance and retirement annuities, I can help you plan for your family’s financial security now and for many years to come. All with the safety and security of dealing with a company that shares your faith and beliefs and invests in accordance with Church teaching. Be sure to ask about the new life insurance product, the Protector NLG Universal Life. It may be a fit for your particular needs.

Get ready for spring, get your home freshened up and make sure your financial house is spruced up. It’s an easy and friendly visit from me, a brother Knight.

Vivat Jesus!


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