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April 2021 Message

Easter greetings to all my members and your families! As a time of preparation, Lent helped us focus on the sacrifice of Good Friday and the hope of the Resurrection. I hope this season brings you much joy and happiness!

That sense of rebirth that comes with our Easter celebrations also can be noticed in the change in weather. Some daffodils and tulips are poking through the soil, the temperature is creeping upward, and we hope April showers are in store and not that precipitation that has to be shoveled! As I looked around my yard I see much that needs tending to after the winter weather. I’ve got a few plants to transplant, some clean-up needed around the outside of the house, I see a window that’s been cracked…and my “honey do” list is getting longer and longer.

I’ve found that I’m much more efficient with a list of chores if I write down all that I need to do. Then I go back through my list and rank order them for importance. Sometimes I get to choose the order; sometimes the order is chosen for me. In either event, the best part comes when I get to cross off the chore as being done. Maybe it’s the visual of seeing one more item completed…it gives me a sense of accomplishment.

In addition to the outside chores, I have several others that always come at this time of year. I’ve got windows to wash and other “spring cleaning” in the house. The vehicles could use a good cleaning inside and out and I know there will be some major project to sift through a pile or maybe even a room of things we don’t need, don’t want, or don’t fit anymore.

In keeping with that list theme, put me on the list; up at the top since it relates to your family’s financial security. A virtual meeting over the computer is a way for us to meet safely and efficiently. We can discuss your needs, wants and desires. What’s changed? Let’s make sure nothing stands in the way of reaching your goals. The Order has provided me with a new needs analysis program (either Profiles Professional or NaviPlan) to help you track where you are, where you want to go and how well you’re progressing on your financial journey.

Mine is an item you can cross off your list and really feel good about it.

Wishing you Easter joy!

Vivat Jesus!



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