Attending the meeting were Ken Kotansky, Richard Gallant, Joe McGivney, Michael McReynolds, Jonathon Knaus, Antonio Lippello, Ryan Bielski, Terry Hood and Keith McKeown.
An Opening Prayer and Pledge of Allegiance preceded the meeting
The minutes from the April planning meeting were accepted.
District Deputy Richard Gallant discussed the Ukraine Fund, Ken K need to get registered for the Convention, we have 15 prospects who have gone on-line and we need to followup, SP7’s need to be filed, there is a Spanish kit by Supreme for new members.
Grand Knight Ken Kotansky thanked volunteers for Spring training games, Fellowship breakfast and Special Olympics, along with Amazing video by Patrick McElhaney. A Spanish version is in process by Dan Perez, No Brother Left Behind progress is slowly being completed and suggest we Invest Spring training money into our parish for FFCL to drive membership. On next month business meeting, will plan a cook out at St Peter Hall and include a talk about Long Term Planning by our Agent Mr Knaus
Deputy GK Joe McGivney discussed his trip with wife to Supreme. We now have many photos on web site. He was given the red carpet. And will be a convention speaker. We nominated 4 additional families for Family of Month, and Patrick McElhaney for Knight of Month because of video work. We also approved $500 for Food for Families, which Supreme will reimburse us $100.
Faith Planning Report was not given (Philip Colon)
Community Planning Report was not given (Paul Davisson)
Life Planning Report was presented by Keith McKeown which was primarily about planning we are doing for next year with Special Olympics
2021-22 New Member (4-7-20)
John Travanti newest member
Agent Report (Jonathan Knaus)
Ed Slot Webinars 6/3 and 6/15 (Retirement planning) will be advertised at St Peter in the bulletin.
Officers Report Finance was given by Michael McReynolds
Good of the Order was not given
New Business
Ukraine Funding for $300 was approved by the Council which is from the donations we have received from the Fellowship Breakfasts.
It was decided to not attempt pancakes because it’s our last Fellowship breakfast on May 1 and too many leftover things to store until fall.
May meeting will include a cookout and benefits overview.
Closing Prayer