Knights of Columbus Council 13139
Business (General) Meeting
Sep 20, 2021
Note: Minutes of our Business Meetings are supplied to all members of the council for review and comment. The minutes will not be read at the next regular meeting unless requested by a member. Please direct all corrections and additions to Jim Hildebrand
Recorders Note: This was a “stay at home’ meeting conducted over ZOOM.
Pre - Meeting.
Officers Roll Call
All Officers were present except for the Financial Secretary and 1st and 3rd year Trustees. The Deputy Grand Knight and Chancellor positions are open.
Chaplain Report -
The meeting was opened and closed with a prayer.
Guests and Dignitaries
Grand Knight Report:
John Puglise Funeral
Special Thanks to Michael McReynolds for a great job on coordinating the Knights representation at the funeral
Special Thanks to Richard Gallant for arranging the color corp participation
40 Knights participated in the funeral
Jeff’s 500 Miles for Kids
We’ve reached 200 miles and $5000 in donations
Wheelchair Sunday is 9/25/26. There will be a short video during Mass. Leo and Ediza Vega will give it a plug at the end of Mass. We will collect after all masses. We will also pass out brochures with a QR code that takes one to the council square sight to make a donation.
Upcoming events
Officers Meeting Report
No motions were passed at the Officers Meeting.
Financial Secretary Report:
revenues ~ $491
expenses ~ $1167.22
In Treasury ~
Trustees -
Deputy Grand Knight and Director Reports:
“Knight of the Month” - Walter Sterling
“Family of the Month” - Pablo and Nancy Torres
Food for Families- Tootsie Roll Drive -
JTAA Christmas Parade -
Free Throw Competition-
Good of the Order:
Standing Committees
Fund Raising -
Roger Dean Stadium -.
Jupiter Jubilee -
4th Degree Report -
District Deputy Report -
Field Agent Report -
New Business -
The JTAA will have a Christmas parade this year, 12/12. Candy can not be handed out this yea due to Covid concerns.
GK Brother Kotansky will check into the KofC Soccer challenge to see if it is something we might want to pursue.
Brother Hildebrand moved and Brother Mcelhaney seconded a motion to budget $820 for food for Brother Puglise’s funeral. Passed
Brother Hildebrand moved and Brother McDonald seconded a motion to donate $500 to our Seminarian Louis Popadero. Passed
Jim Hildebrand