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Council 13139 - A Year in Review

My dear Brother Knights,

As 2020 comes to an end, so does a year that saw many of us sheltered at home, many facing challenges of one sort or another. The word "ZOOM" became commonplace. Our Council 13139 faced many of those challenges. We lost many of our fund raising sources as well as the ability to meet face to face and enjoy the stewardship of our brothers. But, 2020 was not a total loss. I would like to spend a moment taking a trip down memory lane as my way of thanking each and every one of you for your dedication and friendship during this time.

We were fortunate to start off with our Family Breakfast with a USA theme and hold an amazing Free Throw Event at All Saints. (Thanks Paul). We were also pleased to announce that we raised over $8,100 for Miracle House thru the baby bottle event. Moving along we had Family BBQ, Tootsie Roll, Jupiter Jubilee and Roger Dean. (Thanks John & Michael) Pot luck and our first ZOOM Exemplification.(Thanks Lou and John) we finally got closure on Liquor Liability. June brought the Silver Rose(thanks Bill) and one of many trips to Hannah Home. (Thanks Ryan, Larry and Larry , Paul, Terry, Bill, Tina and Karl) and then we lost Lou Manz to Jacksonville and we held a Corporate mass to say so long. By now Covid 19 was in full force and very few activities were able to be held. ZOOM meetings, mass on the computer, staying home. But one event moved forward with great success- FFF. The Knights are a huge part of FFF, financially but more importantly- the people. (thanks Walter, Ryan, Frank, Larry, Bill and Thomas. Thanks to Bill and Billy and Jonathan Knause for the support. One of the bright spots of the second part of the year was the Beatification of our Founder Michael McGivney on Oct 31. We also had Paul turning 80. You go Paul. We lost so many events to the virus but one of the saddest was the Christmas Parade (sorry Mike). A special Award for the most abused Knight- Ryan Bielsky- learn to say NO. A Knight that defines the word Special. Thank you Ryan. Thanks for stepping up James H and Ken K. A few of the Knights of the Month, Larry M, Larry M, Bill Robinson, Michael M, Frank B. (Mr. Notre Dame) Anthony G, Jonathan K, and Fr Weslar. The really good news is that Christmas is almost here. The reason we are all Knights, to serve our lord. I for one am thankful that each officer (Paul, Michael Bill, Karl, Patrick, Antonio, Terry, Trevor, Phil, Mike, Fr Wesler) for all the support in such a difficult year. There are many other names but I'm running out of room. If I forgot a name or event, I'm sorry. Getting old stunts the memory. This will pass and with your support we will be back stronger than ever. Thank You and Merry Christmas.

Sadly we lost some brothers this year. Billy Farrell, Charles Sponsky, George Wartzok and Gene Primozic. God's speed to you.

With that the Officers and Directors of Council 13139 wish you and yours a Very Merry Christmas and a Better New Year.

Thank you God.

Grand Knight Mark W. Mikosz



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