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Honoring Deceased Brother Robert Torres

L-R Brothers Mike Cesarano, GK Ken Kotansky, Terry Hood, Larry Mondorff

Brothers Cesarano, Kotansky, Hood and Mondorff attended the Funeral Mass of Brother Robert Torres at St Peter on the morning of 12/3/2021. The Brothers wore ceremonial Knights of Columbus baldrics in respect to his membership in our fraternal organization.

Brother Torres was 72 years old. He was a Marine and served in Vietnam and has been buried in South Florida National Cemetery. He is survived by his wife Yolanda. Yolanda expressed her appreciation for the Knights participation at the Mass. Brother Torres was a member of our council. He joined the Knights in 2011 and became a 3rd degree Knight in the same year.

Robert was sick for several years before his death, and had been on our council prayer list since early 2019. Because of his illness, many of us did not get to know Robert. However, like all of us, he had a family and friends that knew him well and remember him fondly. We would like to honor those memories. Please e-mail me any of your remembrances and I will include them in this blog. E-mail Jim Hildebrand at

Rest in Peace Robert Torres


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