Happy New Year! Welcome 2021!
Could we be any prouder of our nurses, doctors, aides, respiratory therapists, and all those at the tip of the spear in this fight against the corona virus? Thanks to all of them. How about teachers? They retooled and kept their students learning in a virtual world! How about you members that pitched in in local communities and made sure that you would Leave No Neighbor Behind? Thanks for all you are doing to make this world a better place where we take care of our brothers and sisters.
Of course the new year brings us to…making resolutions. That is a good thing! But being cooped up and working from home for the better part of the year have given all of us plenty of time to think about the things we need to change. All of us want to resolve to do those things that will lead to happier, healthier lives.
Some of the most common resolutions are to lose weight, get in shape and exercise more. Others resolve to stop smoking.
If you think about the spiritual, many new year’s resolutions concern having a more centered prayer life or receiving the sacraments more often for those who feel comfortable attending Mass.
Many of my friends think more about quality time…quality time spent with their family and friends; those that are most important in their lives.
As you think about family, one resolution I can help you keep is to update your Family Service Record and take stock of your financial goals. Are you where you want to be? Do you have a plan? We have a brand new tool to use to help analyze your financial needs; Profiles Professional. With this tool you can see if there are any gaps in your coverage and how close you are to achieving your goals and aspirations.
Some members are not aware of all the products we have to offer: Life insurance, long term care insurance, disability income insurance and retirement annuities. These products can help protect your family in all the financial situations where you might find yourself. Life insurance protects your loved ones financially if you are not here to help provide. And with the pandemic, many are taking stock of what they have to protect those they love. Disability income insurance provides a paycheck if you are sick or hurt and can’t work. If your company offers some, do you know how much, for how long and is it taxable? I can help sort that out. Long term care insurance protects those assets you’ve worked so hard all your life to accumulate. Don’t deplete all your savings for a care event when the Knights can take on that risk. With all the concern about market volatility and the health of Social Security, our fixed rate annuities guarantee a minimum interest rate for life, a company investment strategy based on Catholic teaching and an income stream you cannot outlive.
What’s most important to you and your family? There is no cookie cutter answer. That’s why I meet with members and their spouses…and we can meet virtually over the computer…to first determine what issues are of most concern to you. From there I can help analyze where you are in relation to your goals and develop a strategy to get you where you want to go. All done with a virtual appointment over your computer and at your convenience.
As your field agent I’m a brother taking care of brothers. Resolve today to meet with me and ensure that at the end of this new year, your will be closer to your goals.
Vivat Jesus!