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Jeff's 500 Miles for Kid's Wheelchairs is Recognized at the Florida KofC Mid Year Convention!

(L-R Randy Hale - American Wheelchair Mission, SK Richard Gallant DD65 FN PGK,cJeff Kotansky, Robert Urruita, State Deputy)

On Dec, 11, 2021, at the Florida Knights Mid Year convention, Brother Jeff Kotansky was recognized for his efforts win raising over $25,000 in support of the American Wheelchair Mission.

Here is Grand Knight Ken Kotansky's summary of "Jeff's 500 Miles for Kid's Wheelchairs" Fund Raiser along with some pictures from the effort.

(From L-R) Jeff at Bayonne NJ Golf Club, Knights helping out on Wheelchair Sunday (3 pics), Jeff completing walk, Jeff pictured with Leo Busa, receives Oct Knight of the month award)

The 500 Mile Journey for Kids Wheelchairs is complete.

The idea originated back in the spring when I saw a young Knight carry a cross in New Hampshire to generate donations for their local Seminary. After discussing this with our Knight Jeff, knowing he walks for a living, it was just a matter of finding something that excited Jeff. When he saw the smiles on the various videos that American Wheelchair Mission used to promote their cause, Jeff said, "that's what I want to see, kids smile'. With much planning and discussion with our counsel, we were ready to launch shortly after Labor Day. Since Labor Day, Jeff has walked virtually every day as a caddie, many times doing double loops, carrying up to 50 lbs of equipment, to meet his commitment and bring attention to the fact that many children around the world do not have what we take for granted, the ability to walk with no financial means to acquire a wheelchair.

Along with creating awareness to people outside St. Peter, the Knights of St. Peter held a very successful Wheelchair Sunday which generated over $6700. Our Knights made sure our web site was effective, flyers both in English and Spanish, mass announcements were professionally presented and the use of Square technology for credit card donations worked well. The St Peter Knights and ushers worked all 6 masses. Additionally, Bill Piedra, of St. Ignatius, assisted us in bringing over a wheelchair prop and signage that was extremely effective in making our day a success. He even assisted us in working masses, not to mention the hours of coaching he gave us during the planning process .

Jeff is done walking, and donations total $25,157. That enough to buy 167 wheelchairs for needy children!

Thanks to all for supporting this great effort1



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