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Minutes - April 2023 Planning Meeting

April Planning Meeting Minutes 4/11/2023

Attendees were Ken, Mike McReynolds, Paul Davisson, Patrick McElhaney, and Philip Colon

Paul opened with a prayer and we did Pledge of Allegiance together

Ken noted that Brother Jim’s wife Pat was scheduled for surgery on Tuesday and he would be absent.

Ken’s report reviewed Fr Don 20 year celebration, success of the essay contest that brought in over 90 entries, and discussed the need to close out the raffle tickets.


Philip Colon noted that we could use a few more books in the


Ken recognized Paul Davisson for Family of Month. He requested a picture of Paul’s family. And recognized Larry Mondorff for Knight of Month.


Ken discussed the soccer challenge being planned for Sunday May 7. We need a few new guys to take it over as we plan to run simultaneously with Fellowship Breakfast.


Ken discussed idea to do a Tootsie Roll weekend for Special Olympics, Els and ARC. This will help us meet our $2000 goal for Special Olympics along with our traditional charities. Patrick M brought up idea to repeat at Farms like qwe did a few years ago. Ken will reach out to manager of Publix again as he is also a Knight.

New Member

Ken. We need 4 more for Star Council


Agent was absent

Ken noted we still do not know if we received credit for the Ed Stagg webinar. Can filed a request for credit a few weeks back. A new webinar is coming up on 27th discussing Whole Life in retirement plans. It will be in our bulletin.

New Business

Ken would like another year end celebration, with our agent doing a presentation and Deacon Serge as guest speaker

We believed we voted on $150 gift to the GK who attended March meeting for a shotgun / clay pidgeon event. But no one could recall what it was for.

Paul closed meeting with a prayer.


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